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Yin/Yang: Without Darkness There Can Be No Light

Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom

Updated: Sep 25, 2024

My empathic boss Dan once said to me while I was having a really bad day:  “it takes a bad one to really appreciate a good one.“ His words have stayed with me through the years.  Such a good example of the Law of Opposites, Polarities, and Yin/Yang theory. Without the dark there can be no light and without the light there can be no dark.   They are opposites of the same force, shifting their balance yet always coexisting.  When the dark (Yin) feels overwhelming there always remains a speck of light  in the sea of darkness that surrounds us.   We must not forget that the light is always accessible.   And equally, when things feel bright and intense, there is always a speck of black to retreat to.  When we are able to access and appreciate the polarity of what we may be overcome by, we can balance and fortify ourselves as we weather the storms of life with grace and reverence.  

Lady wearing a hat facing the sun while smiling outside.


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