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Food for our Times

Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom

Updated: Sep 28, 2024

Our bodies have been finely tuned throughout generations to allow us to adapt and thrive in our earthly environment.  Changes in food supply, climate and technology since the dawn of humankind have kept us evolving with the times.  Adaptations are ongoing.

In more recent generations, things have gotten more complicated. Adaptation has never been so challenged by synthetically derived technologies into our ecosystem. In the last 6-7 generations, mammoth industrial and technological revolutions have tested our physiology in profound ways.   Electricity, chemicals, sedentary lifestyles, information overload…we are really being put to the test physiologically!  

One foundational remedy to counterbalance these additional stressors is to return to a whole foods diet. Exchanging a diet of processed convenient foods to eating as our ancestors did allows the body to reallocate our adaptive energies to where they are truly needed. Nurturing our bodies through whole, organic foods reinforces our detoxification pathways and provides the raw materials we need to maintain homeostasis in an ever-changing world.

Photo of whole foods including onions, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage.


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