Stress comes in all forms, shapes and sizes. There is physical stress, emotional stress, environmental stress, even 'good' stress and 'bad' stress. Stress simply means something that puts strain on the system. Winning an award for amazing accomplishments is a stressor. Stress can be helpful in that it gives the body an opportunity to fortify and adapt to life. They say "that which does not kill us makes us stronger".
Just as in athletic training, a period of stress must be followed by a period of rest and recuperation in order to reap the rewards such as endurance and increased tolerance. Whether you are experiencing a "good" or "bad' stressful situation, find a way to step out of the stress if only for 5 minutes a day. Find time in meditation, conscious breathing, rest, laughter, exercise, intimacy, art, friendship and nature to counter the strain and optimize the unique opportunity that stress provides us to grow stronger and more acclimated to the changing world around us.