If you are late night snacking due to hunger a few hours after eating dinner you are not alone. There is a solution. Eat the majority of your daily calories before 3pm and you will not feel that hunger later in the evening. A large dinner after a skimpy breakfast and/or lunch just doesn’t cut it. Your body still feels hungry a few hours later. This is a vicious cycle because after late night snacking you may not feel ready for breakfast the next morning. And on it goes. If you can’t follow the old adage “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” try to atleast make your lunch more nutrient and calorie dense than it already is and also avoid eating 2 hours prior to going to bed. Your blood sugar, cortisol and digestion will benefit tremendously.
Breakfast Of Champions
Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom
Updated: Sep 25, 2024