Did you know that matter (i.e. our bodies, the earth, our food) is actually energy in condensed form? Even though we perceive the world we live in as material, it is composed entirely of energy. Einstein's famous equation E = mc2 explains that energy and matter are two interchangeable forms of the same substance! As we catch up with the spiritual sages and recognize that matter and energy are one and the same, we can appreciate the impact of words (energy), thoughts (energy), traumas (energy) can have on the physical body. As energy is neither created nor destroyed it must be transmuted healthfully by the body so that it does not get stored in our tissues and cells. Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and Homeopathy are both forms of energetic medicine that when applied correctly, inform and stimulate the body to liberate itself from these disrupting stuck energies.
Energy Medicine
Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom
Updated: Sep 25, 2024