The rhythm of nature sways between two poles: Yin/Yang (aka darkness/light, cold/hot, rest/growth, inhale/exhale). It is important that we observe these two states in our daily lives to keep our bodies in tune with the divine flow of the universe. For instance, the weekdays are a time of growth and expansion and the weekends are a time of rest and recovery. Another example is sleeping at night and being active during the day. I often recommend my patients to "pulse" their supplements, herbs and homeopathy to allow their body a rest from the information received.
Pulsing simply means taking breaks instead of just taking supplements indefinitely. A good way to do this (with your doctor's approval of course!) is to take supplements 5 days during the week and then take a break on the weekend. Another is 3 weeks on 1 week off. It depends on the supplement and why you are taking it, but it is good practice if you can do this...especially with adaptogens. Not only does it create a rhythm but it also allows the body to integrate the information during the times of abstinence and help determine if what you are taking is still supporting you!