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  • Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom

Wet Sock Treatment

Feeling like you are coming down with a cold or headache?  Here is an old fashioned hydrotherapy technique that is one of my personal favorites.  You will need a pair of 100% cotton socks and either wool or fleece socks to go on top.   Wet the cotton socks with cold water and wring them out very, VERY WELL.  Put them on (weird, I know!) followed by the dry wool or fleece socks.  Get into bed, under warm covers and go to sleep, making sure you are well covered and warm in bed (your feet not so much at first!).  Within a few minutes, the body is stimulated to warm up your feet and in the process produces a 'fake' fever.  For colds and flu it will help "cook" pathogens that are brewing and often nip things in the bud.  For headaches, it draws the congestion out of the head and redistributes it to the feet, alleviating the pain and pressure in the head.  In the morning the socks should be dry, your feet cozy and warm and you should feel alot better.  The key is to wring out the 100% cotton socks really well before putting them on your feet.  

photo of thick grey socks on feet with a green mug.


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