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  • Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom


The survival of the human species is built on a solid foundation of community and co-operation. It is important to remember this as we as a society feel so fragmented and divided. Our commonalities (i.e love of family, fear of poverty, protection of freedoms and disdain of tyranny) are greater than our differences. When we fully acknowledge and learn to love and accept the things that we don’t “love” about ourselves (our weaknesses, jealousies, fears, judgements and misbehaviors) we begin to see how these shadow feelings are projected onto others that we deem “the enemy”.

By letting our guard down to ourselves, becoming vulnerable and graceful to our own shortcomings, we are in a better position to disarm the tension we feel in others. Einstein said “We can not solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.” When we honor and recognize the light in others and in ourselves we are rising to another level and solving differences from a higher level of consciousness. Namaste.

photo of person standing with arms bent and hands together.


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