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  • Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom

Nettle Tea

A plant that is highly regarded as a meddlesome weed is in fact one of the most nutritive and valuable tonics for the body.   Nettle nourishes skin, lungs, liver and blood (relieving fatigue and regulating metabolism) and provides chlorophyll, vitamins and minerals.  It detoxifies, dissolves deposits and stones, relieves edema, resolves inflammation and eczema (especially in children).  When I lived on a farm, my friend came to visit and when her allergies acted up (asthma and congestion), I gave her a cup to drink.  It helped her symptoms so much that several years later she told me she keeps a box of nettle tea in her medicine cabinet and brews a cup whenever she is feeling bothered.

photo of tea and leaves.


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