One of the best things you can do to improve your indoor air quality at home is to get your ducts cleaned at least once every 5 years and change your furnace filter regularly with a filter rated at Merv 7 or higher. This can significantly reduce the amount of particulate matter floating around in your home. When we inhale this dust we also inhale the semi-volatile solvents (sVOC's) that bind to dust. sVOC's come from pesticides, flame retardants, molds, plastics and other materials that off gas into the air. Elevated exposure is associated with numerous neurological and immunological conditions. Between duct cleanings and filter changes, keep your home well ventilated by cracking a window and letting Mother Nature in on a regular basis and dust regularly with a microcloth.
Clean Indoor Air
Dr. Lindsay Samuelson, ND RSHom
Updated: Sep 28, 2024